Village Hall Activities
Hunton village hall is an active hub for the whole
community. Run by the community the village hall
hosts a wide range of activities from live music, to
quiz nights and a wide variety of weekly classes a
Dance School, Yoga, Zumba, a Baby & Toddler
Group and much more. The village hall is fully
licensed and can cater
for 100 people or
more.The Hall is
available to hire for
Weddings, Children’s
Parties, Christenings,
Funerals and other occasion. For full details on
hiring the hall, visit Hall Hire & Information, to find
out what’s on, check out Regular Events &
Activities, to make a booking please contact:
Judy Knight: 01677 450548
Places for worship and Lower
Wensleydale News
Hunton Methodist Church Contact: Rev Les Nevin Tel: 01748
St. Patrick’s, Patrick Brompton, Church of England. Contact: Revd.
Chris Lawton Tel: 01677 450 920.
Hauxwell Church
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Leyburn Roman Catholic. Contact: Rev
James Blenkinsopp, Email:
Darlington Hebrew Congregation – Reform Synagogue
Darlington Jamia Mosque, 25 N Lodge Terrace, Darlington DL3 6LY.
Tel: 07597 572901.
Humanist: North Yorkshire Humanists
For information about all the C of E churches in the area contact:
Welcome to Hunton News
If you have an item of news or wish to announce
an event to be considered for publication on this
website let us know by sending your request to
the Parish Council directly:
Or for general enquiries
Use our contact form here:
Have you visited the Hunton Village Facebook
page where more news and views about the
village and surrounding areas can be found.
“Oliver with a Twist”
Following the success of the HEADS Summer pantomime 'Huntalot' we were
able to make donations totalling £1,000 split between the following charities
and organisations:-
Hunton School, Hunton Parish Council, Hunton in Bloom, Hunton Chapel, La
Cateau School, Sepsis UK, Macmillan, Lost Chord, Georgian Theatre,
Mowbray School & Pendragon Community Trust.
HEADs will be performing their next pantomime 'Snow White & the Trapped
Dwarves' on 28th/29th/30th Jan (with a matinee on the Saturday afternoon) -
script read throughs will take place in the village hall on Monday 26th Sept
and Monday 3rd October at 7.30pm - all welcome to join us! Looking for
people to help backstage, scenery painting, prop making as part of the
backstage crew and be on stage as part of the cast!
North Yorkshire
Contact Us here
Hunton Extremely
Amateur Dramatic
HEADS was set up on an ad
hoc basis in 1987 by Jan
Turner and Jennifer
Holmes.The primary aim
was to raise funds for the
Mother and Baby Unit at
Northallerton Hospital when
we became aware, through
the experience of a new
mother and baby in the
village, of the urgent need
for modern specialist
equipment at the Hospital.
On January 8th1988 HEADS
gave their first ever
performance of Cinderella in
the Village Hall. Tickets were
£1 and for the two
performance nights the hall
was full. At that time things
were fairly rudimentary with
the scenery comprising 2
painted boards propped up
against the fireplace wall in
what is now the meeting
room. Changing took place
in a small cramped lean to
building and there was no theatre lighting or
curtains. To say that everything was cobbled
together is probably an understatement.
Notwithstanding all the limitations of that first
production everyone had a great time and
funds were raised for the Mother and Baby
Unit thus fulfilling the original intention. It is
remarkable just how many of the original cast
are still living locally: Miss Mckay, Brian Crowe,
Adam Worsdale, Mabel Worsdale, David
Lawrenson, Linda Wright and Muriel Blythman
to mention but a few.
Spurred on by success of Cinderella in the
previous year, 1989’s production of Jack and
the Beanstalk was a much more ambitious
affair. Gone was the rudimentary scenery, we
had a stage and curtains and the late John
Hodgkins provided some home-made
footlights. Another success and more funds
raised and it seemed that no sooner had we
finished one Panto than we were planning the
next such was the enthusiasm.
The annual Panto extravaganza continued
apace. One memorable year Leyburn Amateur
Dramatic Society could not provide a festive
entertainment so the Cinema at Leyburn asked
us to take our panto on the road to the bright
lights of Leyburn (proper stage, lighting
auditorium etc etc! ). We did two nights at
Leyburn and were well received by the good
people of that town for whom we performed
our version of Babes in the Wood.t is truly
amazing how many residents of the village
take part in some way or other and how well
supported it has been over the years which
has enabled HEADS to support many local
charities to the tune of many thousands of
pounds.If you would like to be involved then
do please come along or contact Jules Downes:
North Yorkshire Council
The council’s new customer number is:
0300 131 2131.
This number will go live on 1 April but will not be
manned until day three – Monday 3 April – instead it
will revert to the normal out-of-hours service.
The phone lines and main customer access points
will be open at the following times/days:
*Please note the later opening every Wednesday to
provide training time for customer service teams
Outside of this time, a customer out-of-hours service
will be available via this phone number for those who
need to access urgent help for social care, housing,
registrar, Ryecare and trading standards. We will
also have a situation message which can be turned
on if required.
Click for a full information pack
providing a background to the
launch of the new council –
North Yorkshire Council