About Hunton today
Hunton Primary School
Hunton and Arrathorne CP School is a small village school in Lower
Wensleydale between Catterick Garrison, Bedale and Leyburn.
We believe that the key to a productive school life is for children to feel
happy and secure which is something we pride ourselves on at Hunton
& Arrathorne. Our class groupings are kept small for the core subjects
of English and Mathematics and this enables us to really know the
children, to meet their needs and to help them to focus on their next
steps, to challenge them and to extend their learning.
If you wish to visit our school you are warmly welcomed to make an
appointment through the school
office on:
01677 450342.
Mr S Donaldson.
Hunton’s Annual Steam
The 37th
Gathering will
take place on
the 7th and 8th
2024 in
farmland to the
east of the
Village of Hunton in Lower Wensleydale.
The event boasts over 1000 exhibits displaying over 120 years of
Agricultural and Motoring Heritage on the 70-acre rural event site.
Exhibitor highlights include over 30
steam engines and 60 miniature
steam engines along with an original
set of steam gallopers. In addition to
this, we have over 200 classic cars,
200 tractors, commercial vehicles,
motorbikes, stationary engines and
much more.
Attractions also include a large Craft
and Food Market showcasing local
produce, Trade stalls, vintage working
demonstrations, full catering facilities,
auto-jumble and Fun Fair including
steam powered gallopers. An action
packed main arena will see displays
from the vast exhibits and many
unique displays. Additional
attractions include a vintage
ploughing match on the Sunday of
the event with the addition heavy
horses competing in the match.
Over the weekend the site comes alive
with the smell of steam, sounds of
vintage working engines and fair
organs playing throughout the site to
create an atmosphere of nostalgia and
bygone days. The event aims to provide something for all the family
and is now one of the biggest events of its kind in the North.
Organised by an entirely volunteer committee the HSG Team have
donated thousands of pounds to local charities over the years. The
Team invite you to come along and enjoy an action-packed weekend.
Hunton Play
and Recreation
Area - History
As a community, Hunton benefits from an excellent play and
recreation area in the centre of the village. It is used by both residents
and visitors for a range of activities and provides a safe area for
children to play. It is also used for various village events and the
primary school use the area for physical education classes.
The area was gifted to the Parish Council back on the early 1980’s as
part of the development of Greenaces. At that time, it was just a
damp, poor quality meadow with little or no trees or vegetation. A
painting of how the area used to look can be found in the village hall.
Over a number of years, with a lot of effort from residents, the area
was developed to be used as a play area and some play equipment
was installed on the north side of the area. A wooden footbridge was
also constructed as a self-help project to link the two areas across the
In 2015, the Parish Council embarked on a number of projects to
improve and update the area and also improve access to the beck. The
banksides had become heavily overgrown making access to the water
very difficult and some of the timber play equipment was nearing the
end of its life.
Between 2016 and 2022, a number of workdays have been held to
keep the area in good order and make it the valuable asset to the
community which you see today. A number of smaller projects were
also undertaken to replace old timber seating and replace with new
seats and picnic benches made from recycled materials.
The Parish Council will shortly be embarking on a project to replace
the old footbridge across the beck which links the two play and
recreation areas. This provides a vital link between the two areas
and avoids the need to use the public highway. The existing bridge
was constructed back in the early 1990’s by villagers and has served
the area well. Despite some ongoing maintenance, it is nearing the
end of its useful life.
North Yorkshire
Contact Us here
E: enquiries@huntonpc.org
Countryman’s Inn
Congratulations to Dan & Lisa on
completing their 2nd year as tenants!
The CCPS Management Committee members:
Chair: Robert Wyatt
V Chair: Chris Heap
Treasurer: Katie Self
Secretary: Tom Self
Al Lowery, Jonathan Heap,
Pete Latham, Steve Akred
Jan Wylie, Paul Morris.
Date Completed: 27th July 2023